Pilates History

This physical fitness system was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. As of 2005, there were 11 million people who practiced this method regularly and there were approximately 14,000 instructors in the U.S.A.

Pilates names his method of exercise Contrology as he believed that his Pilates Method used one's mind to control the body's muscles.

The program's main focus is on the core postural muscles. These help to keep the body balanced, and these muscles also help to provide support for the spine.

Pilates exercises make a person aware of breath and the alignment of the spine. An emphasis is also placed on strengthening the deep torso muscles which are so important in helping to alleviate and prevent back pain.

Joseph Pilates first formed this method during World War I in an effort to improve the rehabilitation program that would be needed by many of the returning veterans.

He believed that physical and mental health are essential to each other. His precise movements emphasized form and control to help the injured soldiers regain their health by stretching, strengthening and stabilizing key muscles.

-The Pilates Principles- were created by Joseph Pilates to condition the entire body which includes proper alignment, concentration, precision, flowing movement, centering, control and breathing.

You can expect a Pilates session to help increase strength and flexibility, align the spine and lengthen the body. The Pilates method does not build muscle mass.

The fields of rehabilitation and fitness encourage Pilates for its focus on the lower back muscles as well as those of the abdomen.

Lower Stomach Exercises

An important and sometimes neglected step in stomach exercise routines is isolating particular muscles within the abdominal group. One such set of muscles which needs isolation in order to be exercised properly are the muscles in the lower stomach. There are a number of stomach exercises which isolate and work these muscles. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Crunchless Crunch This first exercise is fairly simple but can also be fairly difficult. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

Alternating Toe Touch You will need to lie on a flat surface for this stomach exercise. The floor works best, using a mat or towel to cushion the spine. Lie on the floor and put your feet up in the air. Extend your right arm and use your lower abdominals to lift your shoulders off the floor. Touch your left toes with your right hand, then lower yourself back down. Switch hands and repeat. Keep your knees straight throughout and maintain a space between your chin and chest.

Sit-Up Hold While you are still on the floor, try this stomach exercise. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor and position your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows back so you cannot see them-- do not put them alongside your head. Use your lower abdominals to lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold for ten seconds. You may increase the number of seconds you hold as it gets easier. Be sure to lift with your abdominals and not with your arms or neck.

Lower Back Flatten This stomach exercise is a good natural progression from the sit-up hold, as it starts from the same basic position: lying down, knees bent, feet flat. You may have noticed when you did the previous exercise that there is a natural space between your lower back and the floor, created by the curve of your spine. In this exercise, you want to use your lower abdominals to push your lower back toward the floor and eliminate this space. Try to focus on pushing with only your lower abdominals and not your legs. Your pelvis will rotate slightly, which is fine so long as the lower abdominals are doing the work. Once you have got your back flat to the floor, hold the contraction for ten seconds. Again, you should continue to build on this time as your stomach muscles gain strength and endurance.

Lose Your Belly By Improving Your Posture

Everyone knows the children's song about the leg bone being connected to the hip bone, but how many people really take it to heart? Obviously, everyone knows that the leg bone does in fact attach to the hip bone; that's not the point. Probably not many people really stop to think about how related and interconnected the parts of the human body really are. In an illustration of this point, the back and stomach muscles are all affected by one another as they form a girdle around the lower torso. It stands to reason, then, that your posture affects how your tummy looks, and the strength of your stomach muscles affects your posture.

Stand Up Straight This first step to losing a belly is to stand and sit up straight. This actually has a few different effects. First of all, slouching accentuates belly fat, so simply sitting up will make you appear slimmer. Second, proper posture help improves the strength of your back, which of course makes it easier to maintain proper posture longer. Third, poor posture leads to back pain, which makes stomach exercises difficult. Having good posture will make it easier for you to work out your stomach muscles and whittle down that belly. Lastly, a nice straight posture enhances blood flow throughout the body, particularly to the legs and lower back, both of which are involved in many stomach exercises. So, if you are trying to lose a belly, the first step is to simply sit and stand up as straight as possible as often as possible. Do that, and you are already on your way!

Back Extension For the reader familiar with the crunchless crunch, this move will seem similar but backwards. For this exercise, you will need to start by lying on your stomach with your forehead on the floor. You may use a mat or towel to cushion your pelvis and head. Position your arms by your sides, palms up. Contract your back muscles to lift your torso off the floor. Hold the contraction briefly, then release and slowly lower your torso back down to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

The next part of this exercise begins by extended your arms out above your head (picture a superhero flying through the air). Now lift your legs off the floor simultaneously while keeping your head and arms held in place. Try to imagine your legs growing longer as you are lifting them up. Hold your legs up briefly, then slowly lower them back to the floor.

Doing these two things will help you strengthen your back and correct your posture, which are great first steps to losing an unwanted belly. You will also want to continue working on your back muscles and other core muscles, such as the transverse and rectus abdominus. Stomach exercises that work the core will help you straighten up your posture, lose belly fat, and gain muscle tone in both your back and tummy. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Lose Belly

Where does all the extra weight go? This tends to vary from person to person. I know if I put on some extra pounds, it will head straight to my stomach. However, if my wife gains weight, it typically heads for her thighs and butt area. Now, what can you do to shed this excess fat? Well, whether you're struggling to lose belly bulge or thunder thighs, there are specific exercises to get the job done right. Are you ready take the next step?

Let's talk about the old spare tire. Isn't this what folks used to call it? It's that extra chub that resides just above your waist and beneath your chest. Every day individuals are striving to lose belly fat and keep it off. However, are they going about it the right way? When I take a glance around the local fitness center, I know that they're not. You want to know why? Because the same people I saw a year ago are still walking in there and they haven't changed a bit. Sure, they do their workout regimes and break a good sweat, but they're forgetting about one crucial part. EATING HEALTHY! There is no way that some of these common gym dwellers are eating healthy. And regardless of what you think, this is half of it.

Therefore if you hit the gym five days a week for a full-body workout, but then grab a value meal at Burger King for dinner, you're wasting your time and effort. You won't lose belly fat, because you're stagnant. You basically burn calories and them consume a ton more. This may keep you at the same weight, but it won't help you excel. Not to mention that it's terrible for your heart and overall body. It's imperative to adopt healthy eating habits if you actually expect to lose belly flab and gain rock-hard abs.

Exercises for toning up! Cardio is essential for burning calories. Take your pick from treadmills, to stationary bikes, to Elliptical machines. All will get your heart rate up and help you lose belly fat. Then there are toning exercises such as crunches, knee raises and sit-ups. All of which will strengthen and tone you stomach muscles. But remember, if you don't lose belly fat first, no one's going to be able to see that six-pack shine through.

Fitness Training_ The Best Way To Get A Great Looking Body Plus The Health Benefits

In today's society, many people are now getting more and more concerned about their physical appearance. Besides, having a good looking body means that you can attract more of the opposite sex. This is why many people go through liposuction surgery or experiment with their body by trying out different kinds of diets.

Although liposuction surgery can give you a thinner and better looking body, you have to consider that this process don't necessarily develop your body. The process will involve sucking out fats from a specific part of your body and the surgeon will 'sculpt" your body to get a better looking figure. In dieting, you should consider that this can be very dangerous for your body as it can deprive the body of the nutrients it needs. Some diets say that you shouldn't eat carbohydrates, which your body needs in order to have energy. Some diets suggest fasting which also means depriving your body of the essential nutrients it needs.

So, just what is the best way to have a better looking body and at the same time, give your body the health benefits it needs?

The answer to this question is very simple. With the proper diet plus fitness training, you will be able to obtain a well-toned body with all the health benefits because fitness training actually keeps your heart pumping, therefore, making it healthy.

There are quite a lot of fitness training methods available today. You have to choose the fitness training method that will suit your needs. If you like body building, you have to consider concentrating more on cardiovascular exercises and weight lifting. However, if you only want a healthy body and a well-toned one, you can consider fitness training exercises that concentrate more on cardiovascular exercises and a little on weight training.

Fitness training is the most natural way of obtaining a well-toned and healthy body. You have to remember that muscles burn fat. By developing your muscles it will burn fat at the same time. The fat stored in your body is what keeps your muscles working. Think of the fat in your body as the fuel for your muscles. This is why that although dieting alone can give you a slimmer body, it will lack strength because you are depriving your muscles of fat.

You have to consider that the human body needs fat in order for it to work properly. However, you have to use those fats in order for you to not have that "extra padding" or those "love handles". You can try hunting for your own food in the wilderness as what the humans before did that is both an exercise and a necessity. However, most of the food hunting you do today is in the mall with your credit card as your weapon. Technology have contributed to obesity and being overweight. So, the best way that you can use your fat and at the same time develop your body's muscles is through fitness training.

Fat Burning Exercise 03

Don't love-handles stink? If anyone actually enjoys having mounds of fat bulge from their sides, I want to meet him/her. The truth is we hate these things. No one knows why they're called love handles. Someone apparently gave them this name to make people feel better. In reality, anyone who has them, wants to get rid of them, and do it as quickly as possible. Well folks, to accomplish such a feat, you're going to need a good fat burning exercise. This is the key to shedding those irksome handles that have nothing to do with love. They have more to do with fast food than anything. Now, are you ready to leave the handles in the dust?

Who wants to go work out? Yeah, come on; I want to see everyone raise their hand. Unless you have a body like Christian Bale or Angela Bassett, you should be raising those hands high. These two actors already have a decent fat burning exercise regime, along with a weight training routine and a personal trainer. Hey, don't hate them! Just get your body in shape too. And as far as the personal trainer goes; if you can afford one, get one. I will pretty much guarantee that they will help you get in shape and stay consistent. Fitness is all about consistency. You can't just blow it off. If you do, you will soon have those nasty love handles again. The trick is to adopt a good regime and keep it for all eternity.

Probably the best way to drop unwanted ponds is through serious exercise. Not just weight training! Although weights are great and I highly recommend them, you'll want a fat burning exercise as well. This is where cardio comes into the picture. Think stationary bikes, elliptical machines, treadmills, aerobics classes and swimming. These are all great for burning calories and shedding extra pounds. You body needs a fat burning exercise on a regular basis to stay healthy. This goes double for those of you who are over the age of 30. Each decade your metabolism really starts to slow down more and more. You should always keep this in mind. Try cyberspace if you're on the look-out for a few other fat burning exercises.

Easy Tips For Having Six Pack Abs

Have you ever seen people with rock hard, six pack abs and wish that you have one like that? There are people who would like to have a great body without spending too much time in the gym. With the fast paced kind of lifestyle that most people have, would there be easy ways to get the body that you want?

Actually there are some easy and simple tips that would help you get the six pack stomach that you want. Avoid eating while watching the television. Since your mind and focus will be on the movie and television show that you are watching, you would not be able to watch the amount of food that you are eating. You may tend to overeat while watching television.

Do not skip breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Upon waking up, the metabolism is accelerated and fat starts to burn. You would need enough food to cope to cope up with the day. Calories would burn while you perform your daily tasks. By avoiding a meal, you tend to overeat the next meal. Since you would feel that need to make up for the lost fat.

Incorporate good eating habits to your daily routine. Aside from making sure you eat regularly and not in front of the television, you need to make sure that good fats are incorporated to your diet. Some people shudder in the word fats, well, there are fats that are good for your. Fish oil, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil are the healthy fats.

Water is good for you. The more water you drink, the better. You don't have to stick just drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water when you can drink more. But we are required to drink that much water everyday to keep hydrated. This would regulate fat burning and body metabolic process.

If drinking milk, the choose skim milk. There are healthier alternatives, all you need to do is make sure that whenever you go to the store to buy groceries, you choose the healthier alternative.

Diet is incomplete if you don't put some mobility into your routine. So still incorporate exercise routine into your lives. Doing a hundreds of sit-ups a day is not good enough. Think about your whole body and not only about your abdomen. When aiming for six pack abs, cardiovascular exercises are a must. This kind of exercise increase stamina and heart condition, it burn fat in a quick way. Cardiovascular exercises can be done 5 minutes a day, and can increase it to 45 minutes. Aside from cardiovascular exercises you can also do some weight training to get the body that you want.

Not all exercises can be done inside the gym, take your exercise outside. Take a walk, stand straight in a cocktail party, you can even do some exercises during your break time while you are sitting down on your chair.

Aside from proper diet and exercise, getting the minimum seven to eight hours of sleep every night is very important. Sleeping rejuvenates your body. It repairs muscular system by decreasing the stress hormone levels.

And last, you need to be consistent. You may plan or devise your own exercise regimen, but getting your six pack abs just does not stay there. You must be consistent with the plan or regimen you devised. That is why diet or exercise do not work, because we lack consistency in doing things. Six pack abs are easy, as long as you put yourself into it.

Easy Six Pack Abs-tips For Easy Workout

You are always busy. You don't have enough time to go to the gym. You don't even have time to stand up away from your computer. But you have a dream. A model's body. A six pack abdominal glory. Want to get that dream?

There are some easy abdominal exercises that you can do even at home. Here are some exercises that can easily be done:

• Crunches

Almost all people know how to do this. This exercise targets the upper abdomen. It's one of the basic but effective exercises. To perform crunches, you need to lie on a flat surface with your hands in your chest or behind you head. Contract your abs, then hold for 2 seconds, then return to your lying position. Proper crunches are in a continuous and controlled fashion. Concentrate on your abdominal muscles to pull your upper body up. Avoid using the neck or shoulders to push yourself up. This incorrect practice will cause stress and strains.

• Side Crunches

They are basically the same as regular crunches, except that the main focus is on the oblique muscles which are also called love handles. It also uses the same technique, only that you are crunching to either side of our abs. This would burn the sides of your abs.

• Lying Leg Lifts

This exercise targets the lower abs. with this kind of exercise, you are on the same position as with the crunches, you lie flat on your back and lift your legs six to twelve inches of the ground. This would exercise the muscles in the lower part of the abdomen. When performing leg lifts, place your hand under your buttock. It adds leverage and helps you get your feet elevated.

If you want to add more weight into the exercise, attach padded weights into your ankles. These weights can be purchased at the local sports store. If you do not want to buy weights, you can simply fill up old tube socks with enough clean, unused cat litter to make one or two pound weight.

• V- Crunches

It's almost like lying leg lifts except your chest is at a 45 degree angle starting out. Sit at the edge of a bench and reach back just enough to support yourself from completely lying on the bench. Once you've stabilized, bring your knees toward your chest. You would be creating a V motion. The base of the V would be your abs.

• Cat stretch

It's the same with the movements made by a cat when they stretch their back. This simple action is a quick and easy exercise. Get down on the floor with your hands and knees, with muscles relaxed and looking straight ahead. Next, tighten your abdominal muscles while thrusting you back upward as far as you can. Maintain the position for five counts before lowering your back.

• Bicycle Crunch

To do this, start y lying flat on the floor. Put your hand beside your head then raise knees up to 45 degrees angle and them perform a pedaling motion like what you do when you ride the bicycle.

• Standing Side Bends

Standing side bends encourages the loss of fats in the oblique muscles. To start, stand up straight with the stomach sucked in, legs straight and hands on the sides. Simply lean the body from left to right being careful not to rotate the hips and while keeping body facing front. There is a variety of side bends, this is the torso twists. Instead of bending side to side twist or rotate the upper body from left to right while keeping the legs straight.

You can remove your flabby stomach and replace it with six pack abs, as long as you have disciplined and of course the will to do so.